
Why do we need wellness?

The demand placed on students (e.g., 按家庭期望, 学业上的压力, 社会压力, 身份的形成, adjusting to college and life events) may outweigh students’ own coping skills, leading to signs of distress. Therefore, prevention efforts are essential to supplement intervention programs. By implementing intervention programs, Harvey Mudd College Wellness aims to prepare students to deal effectively with current and future demands.


  1. OHW strives to help students live full, balanced lives and find their own unique way of thriving
  2. 学生 will be able to consistently exhibit behaviors that promote their overall well being
  3. 学生 will demonstrate increased self awareness, confidence, and communication skills 
  4. 学生 will demonstrate skills in accessing and utilizing wellness resources on campus and in the community 


Muscle Mondays with Maddie

  • Learn the basics of weightlifting and how to use gym equipment
  • No experience required

Weekly on Mondays at the LAC 8–9 p.m.

What are the Ten Dimensions of Wellness?


Engaging in health-promoting behaviors, being attentive to signs of poor physical and psychological health, and taking preventive measures to protect oneself from physical and psychological harm and danger.


Creating a support network of friends, 家庭, 和他的同事们, and thriving in social environments by connecting, 感到归属感, establishing safe intimacy, and contributing to one’s community.


Awareness and acceptance of one’s feelings and cognitions, coping with and expressing emotions in a healthy and adaptive manner.


Creating a healthy and balanced relationship with technology. A digitally well person considers the impact of virtual presence and makes healthy decisions with devices to support their well-being, 值, 和安全.


Being aware of one’s own cultural background and taking initiative to seeking knowledge about, be respectful toward and sensitive to the cultures practiced by others.


Possessing a set of guiding beliefs, 原则, or 值 that give direction to life and open the search for the meaning and purpose of one’s life, and allowing oneself to question and appreciate the things which cannot be readily understood through various media.


Engaging in creative and stimulating mental activities that allow one to seek and use new information, become open to new ideas, and be motivated to master new skills.


Enjoying good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support wellbeing; understanding the impacting of your actions on and taking initiative to protect one’s environment.


Enjoying personal satisfaction and enrichment in one’s work and seeking opportunities to grow professionally and be fulfilled through one’s work by making use of and preparing skills, 礼物, 和天赋.


Being fully aware of financial 状态 and budgets, saving and managing finances in order to achieve realistic goals.